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Chemistry Day in Pardubice


Paramo supports a long-term development of the chemical industry in the Pardubice region.

Pardubice, September 22nd, 2011 – The common interest in a long-term development of the chemical industry in the Pardubice region and maintaining its important position will bring representatives of the chemical industry and state authorities to the Pardubice chateau on Tuesday, September 27th.

The meeting, organized within the frame of the International Year of Chemistry 2011, will be also attended by representatives of the very top management of the Pardubice refinery. The key topic of the Chemistry Day in Pardubice will be a sustainable development of the chemical industry in the Pardubice region and in the Czech Republic. It is expected that representatives of the Association of Chemical Industry of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic and Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic will give professional presentations in the morning. The afternoon, informal panel discussion should strengthen mutual relations and improve communication and understanding of all parties involved in the development of chemistry in the Pardubice region.

PARAMO, a.s., a member of the UNIPETROL/PKN ORLEN Group, processes crude oil for refinery and asphalt products, and also for lubricating and process oils, incl. subsequent and ancillary products. The refinery purchases and processes oil hydrogen and hydrocrack products. Intermediate products are used in the production of basic oils and lubricating oils which contain very low levels of sulphur. The company employs 661 people.

Jana Iovlevová
Public Relations Officer
PARAMO, a. s.
Mobile phone: 736 507 439

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